Dec 9,2021

Barcelona, Spain – 2021 After a thorough deliberation in the judging process, the 2021 Vega Digital Awards had its curtain call when they announced the list of winners. Of 1,392 entries,

Artist and Songwriter RolCof and Video Director/Editor Alberto March has taken the Arcturus Award, with the winning work created by Alberto March, RolCof Music-Page, and Angel Poncela.

“Song / Music Video Seven Years Long Song written and produced by RolCof and Angel Poncela. The license granted to YouTube by (@RolCof) Artist RolCof wrote (Seven Years Long) based on his true life story when he was sexually abused by his father and other family members more than 40 years ago.”

RolCof is involved with organizations that protect children online and a fighter for removing free pornography online. The song and music video express the pain experienced without going into detail. The video has been used to close out seminars that bring awareness to sexual abuse of children and adults. Video produced by Alberto March. @march_photo_art

Music Video